Ljubav, navika, panika.

"Always remember that you are not worthless.
Your organs are extremely expensive on the black market."
Super početak još jednog kliše-ponedeljka.
Sišli smo s uma u sjajan dan.

Stigma mentalne higijene u društvu dvadeset prvog veka ne nestaje.
Osećamo se lose, naši roditelji se osećaju lose, našim prijateljima treba razgovor, vidi nam se na trepavicama da stvari NISU OKEJ, ali ćemo ipak pričati o svemu ostim o tome kako se osećamo.
Vrtlozi kulta otuđenosti uzimaju maha i počinjemo da želimo otuđenost kao idealnu sferu za kreativnost.
Kreativni uglavnom dok smo destruktivni, srećni uglavnom kad smo pijani. Alkohol nema nikakve veze s tim.
Okej, ponekad je dobrodošao.

Radeći od septembra sa decom, mladima i starijima i učeći sa njma i kroz njih jezik (engleski, tako mi piše u diplomi), shvatam da niko od tridesetak novih lica od septembra nije "prošao" kroz "moju" učionicu, već ostavio, dao, isplakao, ismejao. Ogromni tovari emocija i shvatanja koje dajem, i triput vise onih koje dobijam, uz misao o tome koliko je posao kojim se bavim na lošim društvenim, a izuzetno bitnim životnim koordinatama nameće...nemir.
JEsam li dorasla?
Je li iko od nas?

Anjina mama salje poruku posle svakog testa. Anjin tata ima drugu zenu, Anjina mama je sama. I veruje u Anju. Nastavnici ne, oni lepe dvojke I pisu preteca slova crvenim hemijskama po Anjinoj svesci. Anjina mama ne odustaje. Jos jedna mama koja ne odustaje. Salje ticerki poruke.
Igor se zaljubio u Anastasiju.
Tea I FIlip pobedili na takmicenju.
Maleni spremaju Bozicnu predstavu.

Učionica me je podstakla na preispitivanje. Učionica zahteva jasno određene prioritete.
Žar, strast.
TOvare i tovare ljubavi.
Ljubav na table, u muzici, po marginama, u ocenama, u predstavama, u stikerima.
Malci, baš ti, po klupama i hodnicima, uče me da volim.

Ono što radim sebi, ne radim vise SAMO sebi, već i onima koji su mi u okruženju.
Nisam sama.
Niko od nas nije.
Vreme je da prestanem da se pretvaram da mi je samoća jedina sreća i jedini način da uspem.

San nije precenjen.
Hrana nije cilj, niti nužda, nego gorivo.
Ne treba neko da umre da bi me podsetilo šta su prave vrednosti.
Ništa neće pobeći.
"Moj život - moja stvar", malo sutra!
Nauči da voliš!

Note to Self (any "Self" in a need):
1. Sleep hygiene. Sleep is one of the most basic functions of the body and it is absolutely essential to get the sleep your system needs to keep the energy flowing smoothly. As a group, we are chronically overstimulated and under-rested and we know that poor sleep is associated with a huge number of problems. (If you are curious about sleep hygiene, see here).

2. Physical fitness. It is crucial that we have strong, flexible bodies that can exert a reasonable amount of energy, either in the form of a burst of intense energy or longer more enduring expenditures. Our environment is now set up to enable us to exert virtually no physical activity, which means our bodies atrophy, we get stiff, weak and feel fatigued easily.

3. Healthy eating. The old adage you are what you eat has much truth to it. We now know the dangers associated with high caloric, high carbohydrate diets, especially when paired with low physical activity. It is a recipe obesity and for poor metabolism, which makes one feel weak and fatigued, and not feel attractive or strong in one's body.

4. Responsible substance use. Mood altering substances are a key part of many people’s lives. Abuse or misuse of substances or chronic use and dependence set up a host of problems. Use substances like alcohol periodically for social emotional enjoyment, not to escape from chronic anxiety or distress or to provide you with energy—if you need substances for the latter, that is a vulnerability that should be noted.

5. Healthy sex. Our sexuality is a basic feature of our lives. Unhealthy or unfulfilling sexual lives are a source of great distress. It is crucial that one understands one’s sexual identity and needs and has ways of managing these needs in a healthy manner. I see an enormous amount of casual sexual behavior in colleges. While pleasurable and entertaining for many, they also create lots of potential for problems, in terms of sexual abuse or assault or an emotional toll. (Many people, especially women, are emotionally oriented to “see” sex as sacred and if “given” cheaply, that can result in deep seated emotional pain—yet many college campus cultures support easy casual sex).

6. Take note of your relationship with your surroundings. Our “minds” are all about the relationship we have with our environment. Many people live in environments that are over-crowded, artificial and lacking in the natural elements that we evolved to live. Take note of how your feel in your environment and take opportunities to explore how you feel in other environments, such as spending time in nature.

7. Balance your daily or weekly activities between work, love, and play based on conscious reflection of your life’s values and meaning.

In the constant struggle towards winning myself over and over again, I guess the time has come for my dreams to be true, što bi rekla Beyoncé.

Ima važnih, važnijih i ekstremno važnih stvari.
Ima onih oko kojih je okej da izgubim živce, glavu, sebe.
Nisu sve iste i nije sve jednako.
Nije sve Carnegie Hall, ali nema nevažnih.
Have yourself a Merry little Christmas.

VOli jače.




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