Kako je Frida Kalo postala mejnstrim. / How Frida became mainstream.

 O Fridi Kalo ne znam puno, kao i o mnogo čemu. Znam samo da su poskupele cigarete, benzin, da je visoko obrazovanje bezobrazno skupo, da je Jugoslavija opet u modi i da su se mnoge granice izgubile. Nažalost, ne one političke i konvencionalne.

Meksiko je super. Frida je baš nekako Meksiko. Žive boje, živi ljudi, živa borba. Bar ga ja tako vidim. Utrobe, slomljena rebra, pobačaji - to se kod Fride neretko preskače, a priča se o cveću. Ipak, i ovo prvo je deo njene trajne živosti. Nekada mistifikovani i retki u tim svakojutarnjim razgovorima uz prvu domaću (kafu/rakiju - vi odaberite) ili prvi espreso Danas su slomljena rebra potpuni mejnstrim.

Ne bojimo se više ničega. Ni rebara, ni kostiju, ni smrti. O Bogu da i ne počinjem.. Strah je beskoristan ako parališe, ali itekako nužan u slučaju sile. Pribojavam se jer straha danas gotovo i da nema, osim straha od nemaštine, a i to retko.

Ne znam je li Frida Kalo planirala da se nađe na svakoj drugoj majici od 10 dolara i na svakoj trećoj maski za telefon, i ne znam bi li joj bilo drago to što ipak jeste. Ko će ga znati, možda i da. Žuljka me još samo to što se često (ja prva) zaustavimo na cvećkama u kosi ili spojenim obrvama. Podvlačim - ja prva. 

Lakše je ne zaći u taj Meksiko i među te dlake na licu. Lakše je brčkati se u plićaku, makar i u mulju.

Lakše je, nego navući na sebe svu opremu, ronilačko odelo, nabaciti bocu kiseonika i krenuti u duboko, u utrobu, u iznutrice, pa čak i u Fridin pobačaj.

A nema plivanja u dubinama bez nežnosti (kako kaže Brankica).

Nema plivanja u dubinama bez DUBOKE vere u sebe.

Nema plivanja u dubinama bez hrabrosti koja ti treba kad noge ne mogu da napipaju dno.

Tek tu, kad zađeš skroz ispod, kad skineš šminku i uvežbane grimase, kad se izmakne tlo i polako (ili, pak, odjednom) nestanu svi oslonci do onog U SEBI - tek tu počinje put, tek odatle se vide biseri, škilje i oaze.

Nije bilo potrebno da te neko na ne znam na koji način voli. Nije bilo potrebno menjati se iz korena. Nije bilo potrebno ravnati se po tuđim merama. Bilo je dovoljno samo iskreno zavoleti sebe.

Bar se nadam.

Nadam i verujem.

Mnogo mi je drago da su Frida i umetnost postali mejnstrim danas. Mnogo mi je drago da svi idu u galerije i muzeje, makar i da naprave dobru Instagram priču. 

Oku se omakne, duši se potkrade - umetnost ne miruje.

Potrkašće se znanje, makar kome.

Potkrašće se volja, makar kako.

Potkrašće se ljudskost, makar nekad.

Bar se nadam. 

Nadam i verujem.

                                                                                                                            između časova, 

                                                                                                                            AK, Novi Sad, 



I don't know much about Frida Kahlo, as well as I don't know much about many things. All I know is that cigarettes and petrol have become more expensive, that higher education is outrageously expensive, that Yugoslavia is back in fashion and that many borders have been lost. Unfortunately, not the political and conventional ones.

Mexico is great. Frida is kind of Mexico. Vivid colors, vivid people, vivid struggle. At least that's how I see it. Guts, broken ribs, miscarriages - this is often skipped when we talk about Frida, and there is the everlasting talk about her flowers. However, this first is also a part of her lasting liveliness. Once mystified and rare in those everyday conversations with the first homemade (coffee / brandy - you choose) or the first espresso. Today, broken ribs are utter mainstream.

We are not afraid of anything anymore. Not of broken ribs, not of broken bones, not of death. I better not even start on God. Fear is useless if it paralyzes, but it is very necessary in the case of  manifesting force. I am afraid because there is almost no fear today, except for the fear of poverty, and that is rare.

I don’t know if Frida Kahlo planned to find herself on every other $ 10 T-shirt and every third phone mask, and I don’t know if she’d be glad she did. Who could know, she maybe even would. The only thing that bothers me is that often (me first) we stop at flowers in her hair or her joined eyebrows, without digging deeper. I cannot emphasize this enough - me first.

It’s easier not to get into that Mexico and among those facial hairs. It is easier to frolic in the shallows, even if it's just mud.

It is easier than putting on all the equipment, a diving suit, throwing a bottle of oxygen and going deep, into the womb, into the intestines, and even into Frida's miscarriage.

And there is no swimming in the depths without tenderness (as Brankica says).

There is no swimming in the depths without DEEP faith in yourself.

Nevertheless, art does not stand still.

There is no swimming in the depths without the courage you need when your feet cannot touch the bottom.

Only here, when you go all the way down, when you take off your make-up and lose all of your rehearsed grimaces, when the ground slips away and slowly (or all of a sudden) all support to that one WITHIN YOURSELF disappears - only then does the journey begin, only from there can pearls, squints and oases be seen .

At least I hope so.

I hope and I believe.

There was no need for someone to change in order to love you truly. There was no need to change radically. It was not necessary to follow other people's measures. It was enough to just sincerely love yourself.

At least I hope so.

I hope and believe.

I am very glad that Frida and art have become mainstream today. I’m so glad everyone is going to galleries and museums, even if it's just for a couple of Instagram-worthy moments.

Art does not stand still.

It catches the eye, it steals the soul - art does not rest.

Knowledge will thus accidentally be gained, at least by some.

The will will thus accidentally be renewed, no matter how.

Humanity will thus accidentally be restored, at least sometimes.

At least I hope so.

I hope and believe.

                                                                                                                            in between classes,

                                                                                                                            AK, Novi Sad,



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