Turn off that "SELF-PITY" button.

Freedom is our problem and freedom is our opportunity.

Can you ever be too free?
Can you ever be too tamed?

Where should you draw the line?
Where is the line between being with someone, being someone's, being dependent on somebody and being healthy bonded to somebody?

What I have learnt about relationships through my own, as well as through working with others is that we DEFINITELY lose our objective ability to see things as they are.
It is normal:
to want to be liked by the significant other and significant other's significant others
to be insecure (from time to time!)
to need / want the "approval"
to need/want the acknowledgement that you are "doing a good job"

On the other hand, it is pivotal for all participants in a relationship (love/partner/friend) to be aware of the "self-time", of the boundaries (necessary boundaries between us), and of the necessity of gentleness and care.

1. Take care of yourself, your needs and wishes.
2. Take care of the SO.
3. Plan together.
4. Have your own time.
5. Have fun together.

Take nothing too seriously.


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