
F I D E L I T Y.
nounplural fidelities.

strict observance of promises, duties, etc.:
a servant's fidelity.
fidelity to one's country.
conjugal faithfulness.
adherence to fact or detail.
accuracy; exactness;

            For no special reason, fidelity appears to be hardly achievable among the Modern Men, either speaking of relationships, or about personal goals and ideals.
From the most basic decisions in the morning (cereals or bacon?), we tend to be indecisive and somehow inable to take charge over our own steps. And why the hell is it so hard to go stp by step? What would more persistant fidelity in our deeds bring us? Persistance, firm relationships and shorter paths towards the top.
            What if you would never have to deal with and undecisive husband? Indecisive pet? It's not like there is much difference between the two, right? Shape them right - and you are all set! Set them free - set yourself on fire, it's easier. Every single unfaithfulness cost me a lot. Is there an end to the strenght? Of course there is. What if we could work on our goals with no tiny indecisive creatures that are masters of distracting and destruction around? Is one and only path in life a good choice?

             Fidelity in relationships, social groups, choirs, orchestras. To belong is divine. To change is good, but scary. I mustn't overdo it. I mean, the change. The only thing I have ever beeen trully faithful to is change. Constant one. Now I am a bit scared. What if I am actually oncapable of standing still? Is it wrong to thing that standing still is not standing at all, but running backwards?

           Just maybe, being faithful to yourself might be good. 
I choose to remain faithful to my belief in constant change. But a single idea might be good.
Canceling the rollercoasters in my head might be good as well.
I need to be just a little bit less a chaos than now.

Faithful. Strict. Cautios. Promise not to promise anymore. Keep what's promised already. Don't lie. Lie a little. Just to survive.

And don't be ridiculous - cereals or bacon? It's not rocketscience.



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